It’s that time of year again! Ah yes, springtime- right before the busy season for landscape contractors and businesses begins. April marks the months where business really picks up and companies have to be ready to get out and get the job done. To make sure you are ready for the grind and demands, check out these pre-season prep tips!
Make Sure Your Team Is Trained Efficiently & Ready For Work
It’s always better to be safe than sorry in most situations, and your team of employees is no exception. Whether you’re able to keep your best workers year round or hire seasonally, it is in best practices to make sure your team has the proper training well before the busy season starts. If you wait till you’re busy to hire more workers, the possibility of hiring hastily increases the chances of hiring someone who isn’t a good fit with your company. Not only does a well-trained team increase your efficiency on the job, but it also improves the safety aspect of the job.
Make Sure Your Equipment Is Upgraded & Ready To Be Used
In your off season is when you should be keeping up on the maintenance of all your equipment. One way to keep track of everything is to look at the service history of your machines and see what kind of work has to be done. Whether it’s a major overhaul or routine preventative maintenance, these kinds of problems can cause huge issues during your busy season. You need reliable equipment for your field of work, and it should be ready to go by the time you are.
Make Sure To Re-Evaluate The Work Process
During the pre-season prep is the perfect time to sit down, evaluate your business, and come up with new ways to improve. What processes work well for your company? What could save time and money? It’s important to always ask for feedback from your employees to get a diverse perspective on your business. Coming up with goals for the next year can also help you work smarter, not harder, which will help you save time, money, and create a positive work environment.
When business picks up, it’s important to be on your A game and have everything ready to give your customers the best service possible. Your pre-season prep doesn’t have to be a stressful experience- with the right planning and utilizing resources, you can feel confident going into your busy season. At Lafarge Fox River Stone, we partner with landscape contractors and businesses to give great results and even better products. For more information about our company and services, visit our website or call us at (847)-888-6133.